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How ROC-P Configures & Automates Your Application Workflows

RocP-Blog-Connecting-1000x450Here at ROC-P, we know that every certification or credential is different, and that’s why every application is, too—even among similar certifications overseen by the same board or organization.

Depending on your specific requirements, your certification application process might require:

  • Question flows that change based on an applicant’s answers
  • Specific application deadlines or time windows for applications
  • CQIs or continuing education credits
  • File uploads of primary verification documents or supporting documentation
  • Dues and exam fees to be paid in advance

In the past, most boards and organizations managed their certification cycles either with time-consuming manual processes and accounts scattered around the web, or by commissioning expensive custom software that rarely did everything they really needed. We’ve heard plenty of horror stories from our current clients about life before certification management software, and none of them are interested in going back.

That’s because ROC-P offers a better way. We’ve created the industry’s most configurable certification management platform available, with all the functionalities you need to manage your most complex workflows out of the box, and advanced automation capabilities that save massive amounts of time.

ROC-P can configure your application workflows

With ROC-P, you can configure your application workflows from beginning to end, from pre-application to approval and recertification.

Our ultra-flexible platform can adapt to virtually any requirement you might have in the application process, including:

  • Sequential sections or stages of the application process
  • Required multiple choice or text box fields
  • Dependent questions based on previous answers
  • CQI or continuing education entry (conveniently integrated with ROC-P’s database)
  • Date entries and work histories
  • Professional profile questions
  • File uploads of virtually any file type
  • Required references
  • Application and certification fees

It’s like having a supercharged form builder inside a comprehensive certification management system, allowing you to capture the data you need, when you need it, with no limits.

We’re so confident in ROC-P’s configurability that we created our Certification Cycle Challenge—find a certification management need that ROC-P doesn’t serve, and we’ll create a solution.

ROC-P is also built to ensure quality data by checking for missing data and allowing administrators to require specific information before an applicant can continue. Our platform’s centralized structure means data only needs to be entered once, eliminating errors and better securing your applicants’ important personal data.

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ROC-P can automate your application workflows

ROC-P doesn’t just streamline your application process; it can automate your most repetitive tasks, freeing up your staff for higher-value work and growth.

Once you configure your workflows to account for all of an application’s unique requirements, ROC-P can move the data and documents generated to the proper places automatically, whether that’s a staff member, a board committee, or your president. You can set up notification emails so users can see when applications move to a new stage of consideration, as well as automated approval and rejection emails and other drip communications that keep your diplomates in the loop.

If you’re still tracking application workflows manually, with spreadsheets or basic databases, you need to know just how much time you can save with our solution. Consider that saving just 1 minute per application for a 5,000 certificant organization is over two weeks of time saved for an FTE!

If you’re ready for an out-of-the-box solution that fits your organization’s exact needs, reach out for a demo today. We’ll be happy to show you just how more efficient your applications can become with ROC-P.

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Upgrade your organization in three easy steps

  1. Sign up for your demo
  2. Work with us to tailor ROC-P to your needs
  3. Launch with ROC-P and start saving time

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